Which Birth Control Option is Right for You?
Deciding which method of birth control is the right one for you and your unique circumstances can be overwhelming. There are various pros and cons to consider, including costs, future pregnancy plans, side effects, and overall health benefits not directly related to birth control. Certain contraceptives could provide benefits such as improvement in dysmenorrhea (heavy menstrual bleeding), acne, and mood symptoms and other types have been shown to reduce the menstrual cramps pain associated with endometriosis.
At Viva Eve we understand that no two patients are alike and that choosing a method of contraception is a really intimate decision. It’s also a decision that’s about way more than just birth control; it’s about sex, relationships, and every person’s individual preferences. We are here to help when you want to know how to get birth control NYC.
We also realize that many women worry about side effects of birth control NYC and assume that hormonal birth control can cause weight gain, depression, or decreased sex drive. What they don’t know is that most of these fears aren’t grounded in science and come from myths associated with older versions of birth control methods that used to employ higher doses of hormones than the latest methods. Some patients are not sure where to get birth control NYC and the expert advice that will help you choose the right option.
Viva Eve NYC Ob/Gyns will guide through all the available birth control NYC options Viva Eve offers:
Oral Contraceptives
The pill is an oral contraceptive that uses hormones to prevent pregnancy. Oral contraceptive pills are the most commonly used method of hormonal contraception in the United States. The pill must be taken at the same time every day to be effective, and pregnancy can still occur right after you stop taking the pill.
Nexplanon Implants
Birth control implants are devices that are inserted under the skin. Nexplanon implants are plastic rods about the size of a matchstick. The rod contains a form of the hormone progesterone which is released to prevent pregnancy. They are effective for 3 years.
This contraceptive vaginal ring provides birth control that is similar to oral contraception in its effectiveness. The ring is a small, flexible piece of plastic that’s inserted into the vagina. It works like the pill, but only needs to be inserted once a month.
Depo-Provera Injections
Another birth control method for women, Depo-Provera, is made up of a hormone similar to progesterone and is injected into a woman’s arm or buttock. Each shot needs to be administered 4 times a year to maintain birth control.
Intrauterine Devices (IUDs)
IUD is a flexible, plastic device that is inserted into your uterus. IUDs offer a very cost-effective long term solution to birth control.
There are two basic types of IUDs to choose from:
- A copper or non-hormonal IUD that physically prevents sperm from reaching an egg. The copper in these devices is a natural preventative that deters sperm. ParaGard makes these IUDs.
- A hormonal IUD that releases a hormone that makes pregnancy impossible. The FDA has approved four brands: Mirena, Kyleena, Liletta, and Skyla.
Hormonal IUDs are different in the way they work and the length of time they remain effective:
- Mirena releases the highest levels of hormones. When using this IUD, you may find that your periods stop altogether. This IUD can be left in place for 5 years.
- Kyleena uses slightly less hormones than Mirena, but you can leave it in just as long. Because of the lower hormone levels, you tend to maintain your menstrual cycle.
IUDs offer many benefits, such as:
- IUDs are considered one of the most effective modes of birth control
- IUDs are safe to use; IUD side effects are minimal
- Your Viva Eve NYC Ob/Gyn can perform an IUD insertion or IUD removal right in the office.
- You may have an IUD inserted at any time during your menstrual cycle.
- It does not impact your long-term fertility
The IUD Insertion Procedure
An IUD insertion should be performed by your NYC Ob/Gyn. Since some women feel slight cramping after the procedure, your doctor may recommend that you take an over-the-counter pain reliever before you arrive. If you have never had children, you may be given a numbing agent to make you more comfortable.
Once you are settled on the exam table, your OB/GYN uses a speculum to open your vagina, providing a clear line of sight to your cervix. A special device places the IUD into your uterus. The procedure typically takes less than five minutes. A small string hangs from the IUD into the top of your vagina, but you and your sexual partner will not feel it.
Recovering from an IUD Insertion
You may experience a little pain or discomfort during the procedure, but it goes away quickly. Every woman describes the process differently. Fainting and dizziness are not uncommon. Bring someone with you, as you may need to rest afterward.
You may see some light IUD bleeding or feel some cramping for several days. You have no restrictions on sexual activity after IUD insertion, although depending on what type of IUD you have, your doctor may recommend using a birth control back-up method for a few days. Whenever you need an IUD removal, please schedule an appointment with your NYC ob/gyn. Never attempt to remove it yourself.
Regardless of which type of birth control you choose, your NYC Ob/Gyn at Viva Eve will follow up to ensure that there are no adverse side effects.
Risks from the IUD Insertion
The biggest potential risk occurs when the IUD is put in place. It could cause a perforation of your vagina or uterus wall. Infection is another risk during the insertion procedure. An untreated IUD infection can impact your fertility, so get any infections treated immediately. The risks are of course minimal when the IUD insertion is done by expert NYC Ob/Gyns at Viva Eve.
IUD Side Effects
IUD side effects vary. A copper, non-hormonal IUD may cause heavier bleeding and worse cramps for the first three to six months. A hormonal IUD may cause slight cramping and spotting for the first few months. With hormonal devices, there is also a risk of IUD weight gain.
There is a very slight possibility of your IUD shifting or falling out, which is highest in the first three months after your IUD insertion. During your first few menstrual cycles, always check to see if the device has come out. It is more likely to happen during your period.
During your in-depth consultation with one of Viva Eve’s NYC Ob/Gyn you can decide if either one of these IUD options is right for you.
Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation
Some patients wonder where to find permanent birth control NYC, like tubal ligation. This procedure — also known as having your tubes tied or tubal sterilization — is a type of permanent birth control. This method of birth control NYC is usually chosen by patients whose family is complete and they are very sure that they no longer want to have more children. During tubal ligation, the fallopian tubes are cut, tied, or blocked to permanently prevent pregnancy.
Laparoscopy involves inserting a viewing instrument and surgical tools through very small incisions in the abdomen. This minimally invasive procedure is safer than traditional tubal ligations and allows for faster recovery.
Comparing Your Options
If you are wondering where to get birth control NYC , expert Ob/Gyns NYC at Viva Eve can help. The important thing to consider is whether you want to maintain your menstrual cycle or whether you feel comfortable with a reduced or nonexistent period. Some common side effects of contraceptive methods that need to be discussed are breast tenderness, nausea, bloating, and breakthrough bleeding—all of which often improve or completely resolve after the first several months.
If you have been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal IUD may ease your symptoms. If, however, you have a sexually transmitted disease, may be pregnant already or have an infection or cancer in any of your reproductive organs, an IUD is not recommended.
IUD vs The Pill
When you’re considering an IUD vs. the pill, there are pros and cons to consider, such as:
- The effectiveness of the pill depends on how disciplined you are about taking it. The pill has a 99 percent effectiveness rate only when used correctly. If you forget to take it or do not take it at the same time every day, you can still get pregnant.
- IUD failure rates are minimal, its effectiveness is 99% at all times
- You can use an IUD longer than the pill with fewer side effects
- Besides preventing pregnancy, the pill can diminish severe periods, abnormal bleeding, and strong cramps
- You can choose an IUD that is hormone-free.
The best NYC Ob/Gyns who are part of the Viva Eve team are renowned for their extensive skills in IUD insertion and removal and their expert knowledge many types of birth control . If you are looking for information on how to find birth control NYC, Viva Eve is ready. Together you will decide which birth control NYC method will work best for you and your unique circumstances.